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How to Clean a Sofabed

Sofa beds in all shapes and sizes seem to attract a range of different crumbs, toys and small objects due to their frequent use and position in the home. All sofas need cleaning from time to time but sofa beds are even more important to clean for any guests staying over and needing to sleep on them. You should always clean a sofa bed after use and again before the next guest arrives as the sofa part of the bed will have been used in your daily life and gathered dirt. Each sofa bed has its own specific requirements and cleaning process because of its fabric type and material but the basic rules for cleaning them are the same across them all. This blog also contains some top tips from parents around the world if you want to try a tried and tested alternative method.


Remove any loose items from the sofa bed such as cushions or blankets that you may keep on there. Also, try and remove anything that fell into the sofa such as small toys or money. You never know what you might find in a sofa bed- some items found in crevices in other homes include false teeth, snakes and a hedgehog!


If you have any protective removable covers on your fabric sofa to protect from everyday spillages and direct sunlight damage, wash these according to the cleaning codes on their label. Any slipcovers that do not have labels should be taken to a dry cleaner, especially when they are made from delicate materials such as velvet sofas or leather sofas.

Top Parent Tip: I have a sofa with non-washable covers which I got second-hand. I put all the covers through a cold wash and line then tumble-dried them and they are perfect.


Open the fold-out bed safely using these tips and secure it so it stands firmly for cleaning. Remove the mattress protector on the bed and wash it according to the instruction on the label (this is usually a regular wash at around 30 degrees in a washing machine).

An Unfolded Sofa Bed



Using the bristle/ brush attachment on a vacuum cleaner, vacuum the surface of the mattress to remove any dust or small particles of dirt, a lint roller can also be used to remove dust and hairs. Sponge any obvious stains on the mattress with a clean microfiber cloth dipped in soapy, cold water. Do this with a damp clean cloth rather than a soaked one to allow the mattress to dry quicker, and press on stains lightly. Then allow the mattress time to dry out completely after the spot-cleaning.

Top Parent Tip: I have recently seen a cleaning “hack”‘ that suggests dissolving a dishwasher tablet in hot water soaking a microfibre cloth in the mix and then wiping your sofa down with that – disclaimer I’ve not tried it!


Close up the sofa bed again into the sofa position so that you can clean the upholstered fabric. Using a regular vacuum, vacuum all of the sofa bed surfaces and any cushions that the covers cannot be removed from. Then re-attach the vacuum brush adaption and remove any lying dirt on the flat surfaces. You will then need the hose attachment of the vacuum to get into the deep creases on the main body of the sofa bed to remove any hidden pet hairs or mites for deep cleaning.

A Sofa Being Vaccumed
Vacuum Your Sofa Carefully


Again, spot-clean any stains but this time on the fabric of the sofa bed according to any care guides it has.  We suggest using an upholstery shampoo or any washable fabric but only a dry-cleaning approved product such as a spray or cloth for non-washable materials. Similar to the technique used on the internal mattress, dampen a cloth with the sustain remover or cleaning solution and blot and stains until they fade. Allow the areas to completely air dry before use.

Top Parent Tip: I have black leather sofas and just wipe them over with water. I was told things like wet wipes would take the colour out of the leather and break it down over time. J cloths and water work just fine on mine


Finally, run a damp cloth over any solid parts of the sofa such as wooden or metal arm ends or legs. Remove any build-up of dust or dirt from the sold areas and then allow them to dry or use a dry cloth to speed this up.  Enjoy your freshly clean sofa bed and welcome any guests with pride!

Top Parent Tip: I was told you can clean leather by mixing equal parts of water and white vinegar and applying it with a soft cloth but I don’t want to risk my sofa bed smelling like a fish and chip supper

Bonus Sofa Bed Cleaning Tips For Those Hard To Clean Stains

Any of these cleaning tips should be tested on a small patch area of the sofa before using over the entire upholstery area.

How To Clean Red Wine Out Of A Sofa Bed

Red wine stains can be removed from your sofa by pouring baking soda over the stain and coating it with vinegar.

Top Parent Tip: A family member got red wine on a pale carpet. They put white wine on it, and it completely went.

Once it has soaked in for a few minutes (it will bubble up a lot – this means it’s working), rinse it with a damp cloth. You will need to repeat these steps until all of the red wine is gone.

Spilt Red wine on a sofa being cleaned using a yellow sponge
Red Wine can be easily cleaned from a sofa

How To Clean Paw Prints Off A Sofa

Let the mud dry before you attempt to clean away muddy paw prints from your sofa, carpet, or other soft furnishings.  The mud will be easier to remove once it is dried, and it will also create less mess when you are removing the stain.

You should remove any dried mud from the stain with a hose attachment on your hoover (to prevent snagging delicate materials) or a soft brush before applying any kind of solution.

You may still find dirt embedded in your soft furnishings even after vacuuming. To remove stubborn bits of mud, use a spoon or dull utensil to loosen the fibres, being careful not to damage them. Using a vacuum once again, clean up the soil after it has been loosened.

There will likely be a stain left behind after your pet jumps right onto your clean couch after a walk, even if you remove the excess mud. Use an old toothbrush and run it under some warm water before dipping it in bleach-free liquid laundry detergent and working it into the stain. After that, let it sit for 10-15 minutes.

Top Parent Tip: Mud is best got out by soaking protective covers in cold water with detergent and then washing. If plain white you could try a soak of dilute bleach or try Napisan.

Two Muddy Paw Prints on White Fabric
Muddy Paw Prints on White Fabric

Muddy Paw Prints on White Fabric

If you want your soft furnishings to look new for as long as possible, mix white vinegar with water. To rinse off soap and mud that’s left behind, dip a cloth into it and blot the stained area. White vinegar and water can be used to remove mud stains as well as doggy odours and urine from soft furnishings.

Top Tip: To prevent any damage to your soft furnishings, dilute the solution before applying it to your couch. Keep your dog separate from the area where you use vinegar for cleaning to prevent accidental ingestion.